No longer will hip pain interfere with your day-to-day life. No more dealing with doctors jumping to conclusions. Dr. Bohnenkamp treats your symptoms by considering the whole of your body and creates a treatment plan that focuses on conservative care. Our goal? Make pain-free your new normal.
Arthritis is one of the most common causes of hip pain. Although it may seem like a simple explanation of “joint inflammation,” arthritis is progressive, presenting in many different forms and types of pain that gets worse with time. Common signs and symptoms include:
Otherwise known as “wear-and-tear arthritis,” osteoarthritis is the gradual deterioration of cartilage that cushions the end of bones. Once cartilage has worn away, bone rubbing on bone can cause friction and pain. Common signs and symptoms of osteoarthritis include:
Inflammatory arthritis occurs when joints are inflamed due to an overactive immune system. The hip joint is just one of the many areas in which inflammatory arthritis is prevalent. Common signs and symptoms of inflammatory arthritis include:
Osteonecrosis is a painful bone condition that occurs when blood supply to bone tissue is disrupted or cut off. This can cause tiny breaks in the bone and lead to eventual collapse of the bone. Common signs and symptoms of osteonecrosis include:
Pain after a total hip replacement, while frustrating, is possible. When understanding your condition, it is important to observe some improvement. The rate of improvement might differ from patient to patient. Some pain soon after surgery is normal, but prolonged pain for one to two years warrants evaluation by a total joint surgeon. Rare causes of increasing pain after a total hip replacement may be due to:
Hip tendonitis is when the tendons that connect the muscle to the hip joint become inflamed. Bursitis is the inflammation of the bursea, fluid sacs that act as cushions to prevent friction between bones and soft tissue. Common signs and symptoms of hip tendonitis and bursitis include:
A tear of the gluteus medius is commonly called the rotator cuff tear of the hip, occurring when the muscle tears from its attachment to the greater trochanter. Whether the tear is a result of a fall or a sports injury, common signs and symptoms include:
While it may sound simple, a break in the upper portion of your thighbone, or femur, can result in serious complications. More common among women and elderly adults, hip fractures are generally treated with surgery. Common signs and symptoms of hip fractures include:
The psoas tendon is a deep muscle that helps with flexion, bending, and rotating of the hip. When the psoas is inflamed, it can cause psoas tendonitis. Generally, this condition is common in athletes participating in sports, showing common signs and symptoms including:
Dr. Bohnenkamp is one of the most trusted and highly rated surgeons in the Midwest. That means you can expect smarter treatments, shorter surgeries, and faster recoveries that are focused you as an individual. Visit our Procedures page to learn how Dr. Bohnenkamp can help.
Learn More About Hip ProceduresAfter diagnosis, Dr. Bohnenkamp focuses on conservative care. This means alleviating pain through a wide range of treatments that will get to the heart of where it hurts. Our goal as a care team is to create the right treatment that is specific to your body. These treatments may include:
Physical therapy is about targeting specific muscles or muscle groups to increase strength and flexibility. Dr. Bohnenkamp focuses on general conditioning as a safe and effective way to relieve pain, prevent further injury, and restore range of motion. Areas of focus in physical therapy may include:
This is no ordinary surgical experience. Rather than rushing you right into surgery, Dr. Bohnenkamp takes the time to make the decision that’s right for you—with you. Dr. Bohnenkamp’s surgeries are proven to have quicker patient recoveries and better patient outcomes. Surgeries may include: